Seminar: a Gentle Introduction to CityGML

Seminar titled “A gentle introduction to CityGML as open standard for semantic 3D city modelling”, by Dr. Giorgio Agugiaro, currently at the Austrian Institute of Technology on topics related to the use of CityGML.

Held November 17th @ 14:00 in CIRGEO lab at the Agripolis campus. More info in the flyer below.



For more info contact Francesco Pirotti.



View seminar videos:

PART 1 – Introduction to CityGMLSemantic Modeling

PART 2 – UML and programming using the CityGML Model

PART 3 – Examples of CityGML in real cities

PART 4 – Extending CityGML

PART 5 – CityGML for Energy



The URBAN-GEO BIG DATA project will contribute to improving the exploitation of new data from EO and mobile sensors, for a better understanding of a number of urban dynamics. It will extract information from data, and represent it for better comprehension aiming at an improved public engagement. Acknowledgement: URBAN-GEO BIG DATA is a Project of National Interest (PRIN) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) – id. 20159CNLW8.

The software architecture of the URBAN GEO BIG DATA project